Terrarium Sign Up Leave this field blank Name: First & Last Name Mobile No: To contact you for delivery Email: To send you the invoice Delivery Address: Full address including unit# & postal code No. of terrarium kit: Early Bird: $45/kit (each set is good for a child & parent) Choose 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Your total order is: $45 (optional) Your total order is: $90 (optional) Your total order is: $135 (optional) Your total order is: $180 (optional) Your total order is: $225 (optional) Your total order is: $270 (optional) Your total order is: $315 (optional) Your total order is: $360 (optional) Your total order is: $405 (optional) Your total order is: $450 (optional) Kindly paynow to UEN# 201330051D Please send payment screenshot to 98363405. For any clarifications, kindly reach us at administrator@edaphicleadership.com / 98363405 Submit